Saturday, October 16, 2010

Annual Cake Auction for Boy Scouts

I'd really like to be posting about a personal situation that happened today, but in order to protect myself for the moment I am refocusing that effort into talking about the Cub Scout Annual Cake Auction. I am the COR for our pack, which was a position thrust upon me that I am still figuring out. Our pack recently recruited like 33 new scouts so now we have 45 scouts or so. The annual cake auction is our big fundraising for the year - every successful auction means we won't have to do car washes (YUCK!), popcorn sales, or other various stuff. We do a couple of other minor ones but this is our big deal.

The cake auction is so much fun - we have some really creative parents in our groups so it's kind of an ordeal to see what turns up. Some parents hire professional cake decorators or spend hours designing their item. Every year, I've always had BIG plans that don't quite turn out. The picture up above was one of our contributions last year - turned out pretty OK. That is jello in the middle to simulate blood. It seems like cupcakes are the biggest sellers so this year I've been test baking some ideas. Since I want it to be a surprise I won't post pictures of what I am thinking but I will post some of the other submissions from last year. ok well blogger hates me right now so pictures of more cakes to come later.

And can I tell you that we always buy way too much at the cake auction and never eat it all??

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Oh my gosh - a year?!?!

I can't believe it's been a year since I've updated my blog. Poor, neglected thing. I wonder how many people say they're going to update it and then they don't?

Well this post is BORING but it at least let me remember my log-in info and remind me to get it in gear!

More exciting posts to follow. :)